Group Enrichment

Ages 5 - 18

Looking to build a specific skill in Maths?

Multi-lesson learning series will help build confidence in areas you want to improve.

Working in small groups will help develop the essential skills of creative questioning, discussion and problem solving.

I am passionate about students learning Maths in small group settings where they can experience the positive effects of working together in a collaborative and supportive working environment.


 Prove it to me

  • By providing a supportive and positive learning environment, students are able to discuss their ideas to deepen learning. Having to explain their ideas to each other provides a deep learning experience.

  • By working together, students learn to share ideas and collaborate on approaches, learning from one another and benefitting from this meaningful and engaging process. They learn to be critical thinkers and problem solvers.

  • Students can learn from one another and discover the joy and beauty in Maths. They learn that everyone has a part to play and that everyone has great ideas.